Directions: Beneath each of the following questions are four lettered phrases or sentences marked (a), (b), (c), and (d), but only one best fits the answer. Please decide which one is theDirections: Beneath each of the following questions are four lettered phrases or sentences marked (a), (b), (c), and (d), but only one best fits the answer. Please decide which one is the
Beneath each of the following questions are four lettered phrases or sentences marked (a), (b), (c), and (d), but only one best fits the answer. Please decide which one is the closest correct answer
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Malunions and Nonunions of the Pelvis and AcetabulumMalunions and Nonunions of the Pelvis and Acetabulum
Nonunions, however, are only seen in 7% of operatively treated acetabular fractures10. With operative treatment of acute fractures becoming the standard of care malunions are increasing in numbers
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Stephanie Watson Mayer, md education and Surgical TrainingStephanie Watson Mayer, md education and Surgical Training
Understanding Hip Impingement: Where Does the Femoral Neck Contact the Acetabulum? North Carolina Orthopaedic Association, Asheville, nc
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د- نجلاء حنون Lec. 3 Radiology joints disease imaging techniquesد- نجلاء حنون Lec. 3 Radiology joints disease imaging techniques
Mri is being used with increasing frequency, mri is indicated in the following
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Cars 2017 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 31st International Congress and ExhibitionCars 2017 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 31st International Congress and Exhibition
Leonard Berliner, md, Chair, Computer Assisted Radiology, 31st International Congress and Exhibition (car)
342.56 Kb. 5


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